Lectio | John 4 | 31


John 4

Today we dive into the encounter between Jesus and the woman at the well in John 4. She has some preconceived notions of who this man is, of who the messiah will be, of what worship is meant to look like.

And yet one encounter with the One who IS living water changes everything. A brush with the true identity of God reorients her very identity.

Could the same be true for you and I?

Let's listen together.

Visit HERE to download “Can You Hear Me?” I hope this free listening guide serves you as you practice. For more insight on hearing God’s voice, start at the beginning! Episode 4 is particularly helpful as well. Episode 17 and 18 also cover the topic of forgiveness.

Music by Matthew Wright


Lectio | John 2 | 32


Lectio | Mark 1 | 30