Toolkit | You Are Not Alone | 24


You Are Not Alone

Have you ever felt alone? I trust the greatest lie of the enemy is the threat of alienation... that you are indeed alone. Left behind. Misunderstood. Not pursued, wanted, known.

And yet what if I told you there is more to the story? What if I told you that your perception is not always your reality...

"God, remind me of a time you were with me and I did not know..."

Let's listen together....

Visit HERE to download “Can You Hear Me?” I hope this free listening guide serves you as you practice. For more insight on hearing God’s voice, start at the beginning! Episode 4 is particularly helpful as well. Episode 17 and 18 also cover the topic of forgiveness.

Music by Matthew Wright


Toolkit | The Daily Practice | 25


Toolkit | Lie-Truth Exchange | 23